TNLA Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba. (File photo)

Speaker Kumba appeals to W. Equatoria communities to open new chapter of forgiveness, unity

The Speaker of South Sudan’s Transitional National Legislative Assembly earlier this week appealed to the communities of Western Equatoria State to forgive each other and start a new chapter of love and unity.

The Speaker of South Sudan’s Transitional National Legislative Assembly earlier this week appealed to the communities of Western Equatoria State to forgive each other and start a new chapter of love and unity.

While addressing the people during the centenary celebrations of the Episcopal Church’s Internal Province of Amadi at the Lui Diocese in Mundri East on Monday, Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba appealed to them forgive each other so that peace can return to the state.

She advised that the violence which took place in Tambura County should not recur or happen in any other county of Western Equatoria State.

“What happened in Tambura should not happen in any other county of Western Equatoria State or any county in South Sudan. It should end there and be resolved there,” Speaker Kumba cautioned. “We should not be quarreling among ourselves. Let us forget the past and think of the future of our children. Our president is working together with his deputies so let us also do the same.”

The presidential affairs minister, Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, who represented and read a message from President Salva Kiir, urged the people of Western Equatoria to support the implementation of the peace agreement so that services can be delivered to the state.

“The peace has come and it is going throughout the corners of South Sudan. I think this is the responsibility, not only the church but all of us as Christians, including our Muslim citizens,” Minister Marial said. “We have to go out and say peace has come and we have to protect it because it is the future of our children.”

He delivered a donation of 10 Million SSP from President Kiir to the occasion and said the latter pledged to tarmac the highway through Western Equatoria, complete the Bishop’s residence, and renovate Lui hospital.

“From Juba to Mundri, Yambio, Tambura to Wau will be tarmacked and the president has donated to this occasion 10 Million SSP.  Thirdly, he (president) is going to finish the house of Bishop and install a solar system,” Minister Marial said. Number four, renovation of Lui Hospital and doctors houses will have to be maintained and five, there will be a standby generator which will be provided by the government. These are the things the president told me to tell you.”

For his part, Western Equatoria State Governor Gen. Alfred Futuyo said the state is relatively peaceful apart from a few pockets of insecurity caused by holdout rebel groups who have to be told to come home for the sake of peace.

“Our state is now peaceful and that is why I came 170 miles from Yambio to Lui on-road and not by plane. That shows that there is peace,” Gen. Futuyo said. “There are pockets of insecurity caused by the National Salvation Front (NAS) around the borders of Jambo and we are appealing to the national government to expedite the graduation of the unified forces. If they are deployed, even those who are in the bush will come out to join the organized army.”

He appealed to those still fighting to come back home and work for peace.

“Blocking roads, ambushing, and robbing travelers will not help. Burning cars has no benefits, but if you come home you can join with the people, be promoted, and work for peace. This is what we want,” Gen. Futuyo said.