South Sudan Kickboxing Federation (SSKF) President Puro Okello Obob. (File photo)

South Sudan’s Kickboxing Federation appeals for support

The South Sudan Kickboxing Federation (SSKF) is appealing for monetary handouts to facilitate the country’s participation in upcoming international tournaments.


The South Sudan Kickboxing Federation (SSKF) is appealing for monetary handouts to facilitate the country’s participation in upcoming international tournaments.

The appeal was made at Juba’s Youth Training Center fundraising event on Sunday during which the SSKF team showcased their talents to spectators.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Puro Okello Obob, the federation’s president, said they organized the event to raise funds for South Sudan’s participation in international tournaments scheduled for December and March 2024 respectively. He decried the lack of funding to the federation by government and corporate companies and said it might lead to them not participating in international events.

“This is an opportunity for me to first of all create awareness about kickboxing in his country and what we do. Secondly, the objective of this fundraiser is to raise money. Kickboxing does have a budget yet from the government or any corporate companies so this is why we are doing this to raise the budget,” he said. “We have an international event in Juba on 2 December and later the All African Games which will involve 54 or 55 African countries. So, this will require the government and National Olympic Committee to get involved.”

The federation’s president said participation in the upcoming events is crucial to consolidate gains that have been made by team who are the ringing champions of Africa.  

“Travelling to Accra, Ghana, for the All African Games requires USD 1,200 per individual. There, we will need accommodation and transport fares and my target is a team of 16,” Okello said. “So, this will cost a lot and it will not just be 5,000 or 10,000 USD. Again, the event on 2 December will see the participation of the Malaysian Champions and this will also require budget.”

Meanwhile, James Majok, Africa’s best fighter, echoed his coach’s plead and called on well-wishers to come to their aid.

“In Africa, we are now the leaders in kickboxing. Just like the Basket Ball Federation is being supported, we also appeal for aid so that we raise the flag of this country,” he said. “South Sudan should be renowned for talents as is the case with basketball and kickboxing,”