South Sudanese refugees fined in East Darfur

Six South Sudanese have been fined in the Kario camp in East Darfur on charges of obstructing an officer on duty and terrorism against the state during a raid on Monday, Radio Dabanga reported.

Six South Sudanese have been fined in the Kario camp in East Darfur on charges of obstructing an officer on duty and terrorism against the state during a raid on Monday, Radio Dabanga reported.

The Central Reserve Police raided the camp on Monday, wounding a number of refugees and leaders in the process. A witness claimed that the paramilitaries apparently sought illegal liquor-makers among the refugees from South Sudan in Kario.

The court in Ed Daein, the capital of East Darfur, sentenced a camp leader and five refugees to three months in prison and to paying a fine of SDG5,000 ($812.70) on Thursday. A pregnant woman who was injured during the raid awaits her trial in the hospital.

The court acquitted the trials of camp leader Ibrahim Awil and Rebecca Garang, while Alok Dud Abuk (Kuak), a pregnant woman activist, remains in the hospital awaiting her trial.

South Sudanese refugees wait at a border gate in Joda in Sudan’s White Nile state (