South Sudan tells Uganda to free detained soldiers

The South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) has demanded the immediate release of their members being detained at Padibe barracks by the Ugandan army.

Three SSPDF soldiers were on June 26 arrested by UPDF soldiers at Owiny Kibul of Magwi County and detained at Padibe.

SSPDF said their members were on their daily patrol when their Ugandan counterparts grabbed them.

Last Month, UPDF established a barrack within South Sudan, harassing and threatening farmers along the border, and creating fear and panic.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday, the Commander of the Two Division 7 SSPDF in Magwi County, Brig Gen Kulang Tabig Chol, expressed dismay over the detention of his soldiers without any clear reason.

“All I know is that those soldiers are still in prison in Acholpi in Uganda under the leadership of Division 5. We raised the issue with my division commander in Torit, who also raised it with the SSPDF headquarters in Juba,” he said.

“The issue remains in the hands of the Chief of the Defense Forces of South Sudan and his counterpart of Uganda,” Gen Kulang added.

The acting commander at Nyacigak Nyaculuk training center in Owiny Kibul, Maj John Gatluak, accused Uganda of planning to grab South Sudan lands from all sides in Eastern Equatoria.

“There is an encroachment of the land and the people in Eastern Equatoria State from Nimule, Owiny Kibul, Pogee and going to Tseretenya, can confirm the grabbing,” Maj Gatluak said.

Radio Tamazuj made several calls to the UPDF deputy commander of Lamwo District, Julius Okello, but the calls went unanswered.

The UPDF Spokesperson, Felix Kulayigye, declined to comment on the matter when contacted by Radio Tamazuj.