South Sudan, South Africa ponder visa waiver

The governments of South Sudan and South Africa are discussing the waiver of visa requirements as part of a deal to boost bilateral ties between the two countries.

The governments of South Sudan and South Africa are discussing the waiver of visa requirements as part of a deal to boost bilateral ties between the two countries.

Muorcol Marial, the spokesperson of the South Sudan foreign ministry confirmed to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that discussions are ongoing to mutually waive visas.

“It is a proposal that the concerned institutions will first sit down and draft and then the authorities concerned will discuss and after they agree this is when a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed,” he said. “The idea came out during the meeting that our Deputy Minister Ramadan Mohammed Abdallah Goc had with the chargé d’affaires of the South Africa Embassy, Mr. Luvuyo Mato here in Juba.”

“It is still an idea that needs to be developed,” Marial added.

According to the foreign ministry mouthpiece, visa waivers will help to ease movement and boost investment opportunities.

“It will help in many ways. It will ease the movement of the citizens between the two countries and also encourage investment,” stated. “I cannot give you a definite time because it is still under discussion. You know, it needs to be discussed and if the two governments are convinced, this will bring benefit for both countries and then the signing date will come out after that.”