South Sudan rebels say Panakuac in Unity still contested

The SPLA-In Opposition rebels have denied claims that government troops took full control of Panakuac area in northern Unity state.

The SPLA-In Opposition rebels have denied claims that government troops took full control of Panakuac area in northern Unity state.

Opposition spokesperson Dickson Gatluak said government forces are instead controlling only a portion of the area after clashes this week.

“Government claims of taking full control of Panakuac from us and managed to push away our forces from Unity oilfields and took control of more areas under our control were all untrue,” Gatluak said in a press statement.

Gatluak said a force comprising Sudanese rebels and SPLA government troops attacked their positions in Panakuac from Pariang and from the Unity oilfields at Lalop.

“This came when our forces engaged in fierce battles with pro-government troops at the northern part of the state with the aim of retaking Bentiu from the government,” he said.

Gatluak said his side’s forces then had to turn around and face the attack from the north by Sudanese rebel groups allied to the Juba government. These Sudanese troops then captured one military garrison south of Panakuach, “but not the whole of Panakuach as the government allegedly reported,” according to the rebel spokesperson.

However, government army spokesperson Col. Philip Aguer told Radio Tamazuj that his side is now fully in control of Panakuac area.

“Since 5 June until yesterday morning, rebels loyal to Riek Machar tried to control oilfields in Unity state, but the SPLA forces repulsed the attackers and captured Panakauac area,” Aguer said.

Separately, Aguer claimed SPLA forces were also pursuing the rebels in Western Equatoria state, Northern Bahr al Ghazal, and Western Bahr al Ghazal States.

In Western Equatoria, the SPLA officer downplayed the insecurity in Munduri and Maridi areas, describing unrest as “isolated incidents.” Local officials in Western Equatoria have denied rebel activities in the state.