South Sudan, Qatar discuss bilateral relations, economic cooperation

Visiting investors from Qatar and South Sudan officials on Monday discussed bilateral relations and ways to boost cooperation in various economic sectors.

Visiting investors from Qatar and South Sudan officials on Monday discussed bilateral relations and ways to boost cooperation in various economic sectors.

The high-level delegation of investors led by Sultan Bin Rashid Al-Khater, Qatar Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, visited Juba on Monday to exchange views on how the two countries can strengthen economic cooperation ties.

Speaking during a meeting held in Juba on Monday, Sultan Bin Rashid Al-Khater said the objective of their visit was to seek greater business opportunities in South Sudan.

I have really summarized the number of things and opportunities and cooperative proposals in the investment sector, such as aviation, trade, and investment fields, and you can name more of those. The objective of us being here with you today is to really seek greater business opportunities and to see from a close distance,” said Al-Khater.

He said the two countries will likely boost cooperation on infrastructure: “I am ready to take back to my country those hopes for mutual benefit because whatever becomes attractive to us should be a win-win situation and many of them are more likely to be infrastructure but they are an inspiration to generation and we share the same goal for our both countries.”

Dr. Dhieu Mathok Diing, minister of Investment, has encouraged Qatari investors to explore untapped resources in the country. He said the investment environment is now conducive.

“What is more important is that we have an investment environment very conducive and I believe many people don’t know this. There are a lot of rumours outside there which are actually being proclaimed within South Sudan and you have seen by yourself,” said Dr. Mathok.

“There are so many rumours that the country is not stable and there are a lot of problems which are not true. We have a very nice excellent investment environment and we have laws of investment which are actually very friendly to investors. We don’t have restrictions as far as capital repatriation is concerned,” he added.