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Juba/Yei - 23 Jan 2022

South Sudan National Youth Union chairman reshuffles cabinet

The South Sudan National Youth Union (SSNYU) chairman, Gola Boyoi Gola, on Friday issued an executive order reshuffling his cabinet and naming a new deputy chairperson, secretary-general, and finance secretary among others.

Former SSNYU secretary-general Benjamin Bang Bak was appointed the new deputy chairperson, former Secretary for state affairs, Justin Urio, was promoted to secretary-general and Joyce Solomon Lamanya became the new finance secretary among other changes.

The SSNYU secretary for Information and public relations, Tarir Makoi, told Radio Tamazuj over the weekend that the changes were routine and to ensure the smooth running of the union.

“What happened was a routine reshuffle in the union to ensure that the activities are done in a good manner,” Makoi said. “Usually, the executive body composes of twenty-seven members which include full secretaries and deputy secretaries.”

He said the current administration’s mandate will expire in 2023 when a national convention will be held to elect new office bearers.

The new SSNYU secretary-general, Justin Urio Ajongo, said he will use his previous experience to run the new office.

“I am happy because it is a top assignment and based on my previous experience as former secretary for state affairs, I do not see any difficulty in this position,” Ajongo said.

David Lawrence, the Western Bahr el Ghazal youth union chairperson, welcomed the changes.

“I want to congratulate all who assumed new offices, especially the new secretary general Justin Urio Ajongo and deputy chairperson Bang Bang for their tireless commitment to work with us in good faith in the past,’’ Lawrence said.

Yei youth union acquires new office premises

Relatedly, the youth union in Yei River County, Central Equatoria State, has acquired office premises to operate from after a long time.

Johnson Poru Hilary, the newly elected chairperson of the union said the union had no appropriate offices to coordinate their activities.

“Since we came into the office, we had no appropriate office where the youth can communion and have interactions among themselves but finally we got the office,” Poru said. “We are already developing a fundraising committee that will look into how we can do resource mobilization.”

He called for reconciliation and unity among the youth in the county.

“If we are united, then we can run everything smoothly, we should be able to reconcile among ourselves,” Poru said.

According to Chairperson Poru, the new youth union office space will accommodate the Yei music association, the boda-boda association, and the drivers association.