South Sudan National Security arrest radio journalist in Yambio, W Equatoria

National Security agents arrested a journalist working for a Catholic radio station in Western Equatoria state capital Yambio over the weekend, according to local sources.

National Security agents arrested a journalist working for a Catholic radio station in Western Equatoria state capital Yambio over the weekend, according to local sources.

Silvesto Ruati of Anisa FM was picked up by National Security on Saturday morning behind the seminary in Nagori area in Yambio, a neighbor said. Another source affiliated with the radio station confirmed the incident.

“Whereabouts he is about till today is not known. His family members have no access to him,” the neighbor said. “The great fear is following the recent incidents in Yambio the journalist may lost his life or will be badly tortured.”

The second source said they have yet to receive any details or charges from the NSS about the arrest.

“When the [radio station] director went to the office of the national security, the person who was there had no information about that [arrest], and until now they do not have the any information.”

The second source said the case has also been brought to the governor’s office without any information provided.

There have been reports of NSS agents rounding up youth in Yambio town since clashes broke out in Yambio between government forces and a local militia last Thursday. The NSS in Yambio have previously arrested youth as well as church members.

The United Nations recently said that NSS is breaking South Sudan’s own laws by detaining people since only police have the legal authority to make arrests according to the Transitional Constitution. The UN called on NSS to cease arresting people.