South Sudan journalists train in China

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan Union (UJOSS) has sent four members to China for a two-week training.

Obaj Shagawa of Eye Radio, Emmanuel Deng, JUBA ECHO TV, James Opiny, of SSBC based in Torit and Rachel Hakim will return to South Sudan on September 13.

UJOSS President Patrick Oyet told Radio Tamazuj that the coordination was in collaboration with Chinese Embassy in Juba.

“The journalists are expected to learn about the use of new technology for the development of journalism,” said Oyet.

He urged the Chinese Embassy in South Sudan to increase the numbers next time.

“We are requesting more opportunities from the Embassy of China. We believe that it is good because it helps people experience different environments,” he said.

Oyet called on the South Sudan journalists to be always ready for such opportunities as some of them were often caught with expired travel documents.