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JUBA - 4 Dec 2016

South Sudan football association chair quits after suspension over corruption

The head of South Sudan football association has rendered his resignation a day after members of the board convened an emergency meeting at which it was decided to suspend him due to mismanagement of funds meant to support activities of the association in the country.

Chabur Goc Alei said in a statement on Friday he decided to terminate his service as the head of the association with immediate effect.  He did not elaborate on the cause of his decision.

But a statement by members of the board accused him of unilaterally withdrawing money amounting to 400,000 United States from the main account of the association without the knowledge of the board.

The statement stated that it has observed that the President has been taking decisions on financial expenditures of the association alone without the knowledge of the members of the board of directors and members of finance committee since his election to the office.

His unilateral decision on finance has led to suspension of FIFA financial assistance to South Sudan Football association due to mismanagement of meagre resource sent by the FIFA to the association yearly.

From the bank statement of the year 2015, the transaction on 11, 12 and 19 March 2015, a total $ 400,000 (four hundred thousand United States dollars) has been transferred from South Sudan Football main account to individual’s account which the members of the board did not get satisfactory explanation.

The president also borrowed 12000 United States alleging it was borrowed by one of the members of the board of directors without the knowledge and approval of the members of the board of directors, a statement November 30th resolution reads in part.

Other charges include the purchase of the land for the office of the association, other decisions taken in regard to the construction of the office of the association without following normal procurement procedures and without the knowledge and approval of the members of the board of directors.

He has now been replaced with his deputy Andrea Abdella as the interim president of South Sudan football association until such when elections will be organized to elect new leader.