South Sudan Football Association announces outcomes of 8th General Assembly

The South Sudan Football Association SSFA on July 29th convened in Aweil, Northern Bahr El Ghazal State, for its 8th Ordinary General Assembly.

The South Sudan Football Association SSFA on July 29th convened in Aweil, Northern Bahr El Ghazal State, for its 8th Ordinary General Assembly.

Speaking to the media after the meeting on Tuesday, the spokesperson of SSFA, Mr. Albino Kuek, said that the General Assembly has endorsed the financial and administrative reports for 2021-2022, in addition to hearing a report from FIFA regarding the new amendments that the football association intends to make to its statutes and regulations.

“The FIFA has urged us to conduct in-depth consultations before passing the amendments, so the General Assembly has resolved to postpone all those proposals and amendments”. said Kuek.

He further said that the General Assembly has approved the appointment of three women in the association that were nominated by the Board of Directors in addition to approving the appointment of representatives of the three administrative areas.

Albino added that the General Assembly had approved the decision to appoint a new member of the Board of Directors to succeed the late Abu Al-Qasim, who was the representative of the Federation in Bentiu.

He also revealed that the General Assembly has rejected the appeal by the Board of Directors of the Juba Local Football Association to demand the lifting of the suspension penalty imposed on its members.

“In accordance with the regulation of the association on lifting a ban of a member and based on additional legal information, the General Assembly has rejected the appeal by Juba Local Football Association to lift the ban imposed on its members”. Kuek said, adding that the General Assembly has directed the Juba Football Association to immediately relocate its offices from the eastern side of Juba Stadium.