South Sudan activists urge African Union to intervene to rescue peace deal

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has called on the African Union High Representative to South Sudan Alpha Oumar Konare, who is the former president of Mali, to intervene to rescue the peace deal.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has called on the African Union High Representative to South Sudan Alpha Oumar Konare, who is the former president of Mali, to intervene to rescue the peace deal.

CEPO executive director Edmund Yakani said in a statement yesterday that a recent increase in accusations over violations of the ceasefire, as well as disputes over military cantonment sites in Equatoria and Western Bahr el Ghazal pose a threat and risk to the fate of the peace agreement.

“CEPO urge the AU High Representative to South Sudan office to urge the AU Peace and Security Council to send urgent delegations to South Sudan for meeting the principals of the partners of the peace agreement,” the statement said.

“JMEC have tried but the situation is getting worse,” CEPO added, referring to the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission which is overseeing peace implementation.

“The recent military clashes between the government and SPLM/A-IO clearly tells that, still there are hardliners in both sides that believe military solution is the best option for resolving their difference,” Yakani said.

CEPO appealed to leaders on both sides to give peace chance, noting that peaceful resolution of political differences is the only option.

Opposition alleges attacks in Bahr el Ghazal

Yakani’s statement comes on the heels of accusations by the SPLA-In Opposition that government forces attacked their position in Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal states.

Governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal for the SPLA-IO, Akol Maduol, said in statement to Radio Tamazuj that government forces have attacked their forces on the border between Gok Machar and Kiir Adiem in which they clashed for more than 7 hours.

“On Saturday around 2 pm government forces have attacked our forces in an area called Karabar in Northern Bahr el Ghazal between Gok Macahr and Kiir Adiem,” he said. “This is a clear violation of the peace agreement.”

Additionally, Tango Peter a member of SPLA-IO in Western Bahr el Ghazal, said there were similar clashes between their forces and government forces in Basalia on the outskirts of Wau town.

“Our forces clashed with government forces in Basalia,” he said. “There were no any casualties among our forces but we have learnt that there are casualties among the government forces.”

Tango accused the government forces of starting the attack, adding that the area has witnessed continued attacks by government forces which resulted in the displacement of civilians and destruction and looting of properties.

Tango said this attack is a violation to the peace agreement signed August last year.

For his part, the commissioner of Wau County Anthony Pada said there were reports of tensions but added that he does not have enough information about it because he cannot travel due to insecurity.

He said he expects an investigation committee formed by the national government to investigate the recent incidents to arrive soon.