Sorghum fields burned in Sudan’s Dalami County

Hundreds of feddans of ripe or ripening fields of sorghum have been destroyed in Dalami County of South Kordofan State, raising the prospects of hunger in the area.

Hundreds of feddans of ripe or ripening fields of sorghum have been destroyed in Dalami County of South Kordofan State, raising the prospects of hunger in the area.

As much as 400 to 500 feddans of cereal crops were burned near Abri, Dari, Tunguli and Sabat villages in Tunguli and Abri Payams, Dalami County.

According to a group of local civil society organizations and international aid workers, the crops were “deliberately” burned on 28 November either by Sudanese military personnel or as a result of aerial bombs.

The group pointed out that one feddan of cereal crop provides between three to six months of staple grain for a family of six people.

“Thus, destruction of 500 fedans leaves up to 1,500 people with no staple food for a year, which in current household food security conditions will inevitably lead to deaths from malnutrition, especially of children under 5 years of age and those too old to relocate to where assistance may be available,” the group predicted. 

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