SPLA forces in Wonduruba Payam of Central Equatoria State on Friday shot dead one woman who had gone looking for food, according to local sources. They said the woman named Nyoka was killed in an area called Kaya near Mengele at around 7:00.
Separately, the Catholic Church in the area has reportedly brokered the release of two civilians detained by SPLA forces in Katigiri. Jaina Waran, a mother of four, was found by the army while harvesting sim-sim in Katigiri last week and she was taken for questioning.
“I came to harvest sim-sim from our hiding place. As I arrived to the garden automatically these people arrived and arrested me with my two children. I have four children – I left the two with the father in the bushes and I came with the small child and the other female elder to babysit my younger child but they arrested all of us,” she said.
She said her other children are still in the bush, and she appealed to the government to replace the forces in the area so that the people suffering in the bush will be safe.
Waran said, “Now I do not know where the father of my children including my two other children are. I believed after they waited for me for long and I did not go back they already know I have been arrested. They are still moving in the bushes.”
“I urge the government to bring the children suffering in the bushes to where they can get better life. I have not met my most of my family members since I ran. I stayed for three days with the army then the priest came to bring me. The army were giving me food. They said I am breastfeeding so I have to eat. They did not do something wrong to me but they kept asking me many questions,” she said.
Another man who wanted his name withheld said that he was also arrested while looking for food and he was questioned about the alleged presence of insurgents in the area.
“They (SPLA) found me while I was splitting sim-sim. When they reached to me they ordered me to sit down. I sat. They told me to throw my knife way. I did. They came closer to me and started kicking me on my head. They put the barrel of the gun to my ear. He then pushed the barrel into my ear.”
“He wanted to tear my ear. It have a wound now. He then kicked me down – I nearly died. I stayed down here for long and he told me to wake up but I wanted to fall down then someone held me. He wanted to kick me again then another person told him to leave me because I am innocent.”
The witness continued, “The soldier took me to the bush saying, ‘You, today you’re dead.’ He put the barrel to my head. Lastly they said to me we are not going to kill you but we’re taking you to barracks. They took me and put me inside that same day I did not eat food.”
He continued, “I slept until morning then someone came and asked me that where these people are. I told him I do not know these people for me I was at home. They beat me then they asked me that if we release you where do you want go you want go – to Yei or Juba? Then I told them I do not know because all the people have run.”