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AWEIL - 11 May 2015

Soldier in Aweil wounded by criminals in nighttime attack

A soldier moving in the early morning hours on Sunday was attacked by criminals in the western part of Aweil town and badly wounded, according to a police official.

Speaking in Maper Akot on Sunday, Police Chief in Charge Sergeant Peter Chan Abouk said that the man was attacked by seven individuals. The soldier survived and has been admitted to Aweil State Hospital for treatement. Police are still searching for the perpetrators.

“At 4:00 in the morning a soldier got up from bed and went to his workplace. At 5:00 in the morning when he arrived in Hafira [which means, 'The Pit'] seven criminals attacked him,” he said.

Chan warned citizens not to pass by the Hafira which is located near the market and is a known area for criminals where “many things” happen and a dangerous area. He pointed out that a last year a dead body was found in the same area and the killers were never identified.

The police officer called on the state and national governments to provide police with some cars to improve their abilities to protect citizens and their properties.