Six traders arrested for selling relief food in Cueibet

Authorities in Cueibet of Gok State arrested six south Sudanese traders for selling relief foods on Friday.

Authorities in Cueibet of Gok State arrested six south Sudanese traders for selling relief foods on Friday.

Salva Arop Arol, a member of the Gok State food authority, told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that at least six traders who were arrested last week are facing investigation now in police custody.

“I told you this information Radio Tamazuj because am much concerned about people who were helped with food aid for free and again someone here sold the relief foods to traders and to be resold to them at higher prices,” he said.

The traders are now being investigated to reveal who bought the food items that were confiscated by the patrol police. About 100 sacks which were confiscated included sorghum, lentils, biscuit and floor. When asked, the traders told police that they bought one sack of dura at 400, lentils at 300, flour at 400 and biscuit carton with 370 SSP.

The official says that he blames authorities and not traders for selling relief food, pointing out that the people now are suffering from hunger.


Food aid racket: free sorghum from Awerial, Lakes state resold in Bor (19 Oct. 2015)