Women and girls walk back after getting food in Bentiu, using a path through the bush for fear of being attacked on the main road, near Nhialdu in South Sudan (AP file photo)

Six rape cases reported in Magwi County

Magwi County-based Africa Life Aid (ALA) organization has confirmed six rape cases in the area, with the youngest victims aged between 5 and 7 years.

The organization which works in collaboration with the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is currently documenting gender-based violence (GBV) and rape cases as well as providing pro bono legal services in the Eastern Equatoria State County.

The organization also trains women In income generation by engaging them in business and banking skills. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, ALA Protection Officer Nelson Wani Okello said four survivors of the six recorded rape cases, had been referred to Torit for legal attention, while the other two were being handled at the community level.

Wani said that GBV cases, especially rape, had significantly reduced due to continuous awareness in the area.

He said several organizations were advocating against GBV in Magwi and urged the local community to concentrate on agriculture and be peaceful.

County Deputy Inspector of Police Lt Atanga David Ogeno confirmed that six rape cases had been recorded from last month.

He said alcohol consumption and poverty were two of the major causes of the rising GBV.

Ogeno urged the residents to respect the law, including on the consumption of alcohol.

A 20-year-old GBV survivor said she was accosted and raped by an unknown person at around 7 pm on August 7 when she was coming from the garden.

She said ALA intervened in her case and she had been treated and confirmed healthy.

Article 17 of the South Sudan constitution defines a child as anyone under the age of 18.

According to the Child Act of 2008, every child has the right to be protected from sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment, including but not limited to rape, incest, inducement, or coercion of a child to witness or engage in sexual activity.

It further says whoever commits such an offense shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years on conviction.