Shortage of goods hits Warawar market

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Traders in Warwar payam of Aweil East County in Northern Bahr el Ghazal have complained about shortages of goods in border areas between South Sudan and Sudan.

Traders in Warwar payam of Aweil East County in Northern Bahr el Ghazal have complained about shortages of goods in border areas between South Sudan and Sudan.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday, several traders in Warawar payam attributed the problem to the coronavirus outbreak in South Sudan.

Nur El-Din Al-Tahir, a Sudanese trader in Warawar, said the number of trucks supplying goods to the local market has reduced in recent months.

“Nowadays, very few trucks come compared to the previous months. Unlike in the past, only two to three lorries are coming daily,” he said.

Amar Youssef, another trader, said many people in the area observe social distancing for fear of contracting the new coronavirus. He further said movement of goods from Sudan has been restricted.

Abraham Garang, Warawar chamber of commerce chairperson, said some goods had been imported before the COVID-19 outbreak. He warned that the situation may worsen if lack of essential goods continues in the area.

South Sudan has so far recorded four cases of the new coronavirus.