Several killed in shooting by SPLA soldier in Gudele

An angry SPLA soldier today shot dead as many as six people in Hai Gudele in Juba for unknown reasons, according to multiple eyewitnesses. The soldier was a bodyguard of an SPLA general who lives in Gudele.

An angry SPLA soldier today shot dead as many as six people in Hai Gudele in Juba for unknown reasons, according to multiple eyewitnesses. The soldier was a bodyguard of an SPLA general who lives in Gudele.

The incident occurred around 4:00 p.m. local time following a dispute among SPLA soldiers who are in charge of the protection of the SPLA general, sources said.

National Security forces were deployed to the scene to contain the situation. The force exchanged fire with the armed man, which caused fear among the residents in Hai Gudele Block 8 and Hai Referendum.

Bodies of the killed people were seen on the ground by one source who counted at least 6 bodies including two children. “It was terrible,” the Juba resident lamented.