Several feared dead in Juba-Nimule road ambush

Several people are feared dead after unknown gunmen ambushed a bus along the Juba-Nimule road on Tuesday, the police said.

Several people are feared dead after unknown gunmen ambushed a bus along the Juba-Nimule road on Tuesday, the police said.

Major Juma George, a traffic officer in Nimule confirmed that three bodies were being transported to Nimule, while many could be dead from the attack. 

He said the information on the incident remains scanty as many people fled to nearby bushes for safety.

“A Bongabus was coming from Juba and our car was also going from here. The ambush happened between Amee Junction and Kit. Until now in Nimule, there are no details but three dead bodies are being brought by the Bonga Bus,” George explained. “Most of those injured are taken to Juba, we have not received the full details of the accident but we heard that many other dead bodies were taken to Juba.”

He added that there are forces on the ground to ascertain what happened and the number of casualties.

For his part, Major General Daniel Justin, the national police spokesperson confirmed the ambush.

“The details at the scnene have not reached us yet but I confirmed it happened this afternoon along Aru Junction and Obama. We don’t have any details so far,” he added. 

Radio Tamazuj will update you as soon as more information becomes available. 

The Juba-Nimule highway connects South Sudan to the neighboring Uganda and Kenya for the supply of goods to South Sudan’s capital.

This is the first attack of its kind reported this year.