Sennar appeals court sentences three men to death

A special court of appeal in Sinja town set up for the trial of suspected members of the Sudan People Liberation Army-North has sentenced to death three men.

A special court of appeal in Sinja town set up for the trial of suspected members of the Sudan People Liberation Army-North has sentenced to death three men.

The three men convicted to death last week were identified as Saddam Abass Jol, Ali Idris Ombada and Min Allah Hussein Hadi. They were accused of belonging to the rebel group SPLA-N.

The convicted told Radio Tamazuj on Sunday that the rulings were unfair and denounced all the charges leveled against them by the court of appeal.

They also alleged that some confessions were made under coercion, threat, and torture, and also referred to threats of being raped in prison.

“The main charge leveled against us is the murder of people, but as I speak those who were allegedly killed by us are still alive and some of them are now living in Damazin town,” said one of the accused.