Security stable around Upper Nile oil fields: official

Commissioner of Melut County Puoc Teng Diing says the security situation is calm and stable in the oil producing area following the conflict in various parts of Upper Nile State.

Commissioner of Melut County Puoc Teng Diing says the security situation is calm and stable in the oil producing area following the conflict in various parts of Upper Nile State.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday Diing stated that the oil is flowing without any interruption in Adar Yeil and Falouj areas.

But he noted that there had been clashes in Guel Guk area which he said was about 170 km from Melut, adding that the Sudan People’s Liberation Army managed to repel the attack.

“The situation is normal, citizens are working without fear in their respective workplaces, and I also urge my citizens not to listen to rumours on the phone,” he said.

The commissioner revealed that the county authority is going to hold a meeting with the management of Dar Petroleum Operating Company (DPOC) in order to reassure them on security of the county.

During his visit to Juba over the last two days, Sudanese President Omer Al Bashir discussed with his counterpart possibilities for helping secure the oil sector, including sending about 900 technicians to South Sudan.