Secondary, primary schools receive 173 bicycles in Greater Yirol

Teachers pose with their new bicycles at Panekar Secondary Schiool in Yirol. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

The son of veteran politician Buom Martin Makur Thou on Thursday donated 173 bicycles to secondary and primary schools in the three counties of Yirol East, Yirol West, and Awerial in Lakes State.

Simon Run Mayor, the headteacher of Yirol West Primary School, told Radio Tamazuj that his school received 5 bicycles.

“Our son of Yirol West County, Buom Makur Thou, is the one who recognized the importance of teachers and that is why he sent us bicycles to help with mobility,” he said. “The bicycles were distributed to government schools in Greater Yirol. I have received 5 bicycles, Panekar Secondary School got 4, Yirol Girls got 4, Kadula Primary School got 2 and Abang Primary School received 4 bicycles.”

“These bicycles will be distributed to only teachers who always come to school,” Run added.

The headteacher said they were grateful and thanked Buom Makur Thou for the support.

For his part, Abraham Ngor, a leader of the team distributing the bicycles, said Yirol West County will get 103 bicycles, Awerial County 30, and Yirol East 40.

“Those who gave us the data were not sure about the number of schools because some brought private schools yet we are not dealing with private schools. That is why they have to wait until we reach the respective areas,” he explained. “The bicycles are meant for the schools and if a teacher is transferred to another school, then the bicycle will remain in the school because it doesn’t belong to him but it belongs to the school’s administration.”

“This support comes from Engineer Buom Makur Thou, the chairman of the Jial-lek Community in Yirol West County based in Juba and these bicycles are meant to support the schools and there is no hidden agenda.” Ngor clarified.

Meanwhile, the deputy director at the Yirol West County Education Department, Andrew Wau Maker, confirmed the distribution of the bicycles and urged the beneficiaries to use them for the intended purposes and look after them well.

“These bicycles have to be used for school work and not personal purposes. The donation is to motivate the schools and also help the government to support education,” he stated. “I would like also to give thanks to Engineer Buom Makur Thou for his great contribution towards education and we wish him well and let him continue supporting education needs.”