Students at the University of Bahr el Ghazal queue for second academic year registration on Friday, 26 July 2024 (Radio Tamazuj)

Scores rush to beat Bahr el Ghazal University admission deadline

Hundreds of students turned up at the University of Bahr el-Ghazal on Friday as the second edition registration of the academic year neared its end.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday, the acting Secretary for Admission, Adut Gabriel Akoltit, said the process was supposed to end on Friday but was extended to Monday due the recent torrential rains that effected the exercise.

 “The registration started on July 15 and was supposed to end on July 26, but the problem of the daily rains that pushed that to Monday. We had rains on Friday from the morning to evening thus we decided to add Saturday and Monday,” she said.

She clarified that the registration fees ranged from SSP6,000 to SSP20,000.

“The admission we are doing here is for the students who were taken but were not admitted due to the stiff competition,” Akoltit said.

She said the charges were directed by the Ministry of Higher Education, and urged those qualified to study at the University of Bahr el-Ghazal to urgently apply.

The students expressed their enthusiasm to pursue education at the University of Bahr el-Ghazal.

“Am applying for a very good course at this university and am confident that I am going to succeed. I appeal to the Ministry of Higher Education to help the students because some had sought admission to other universities but were unsuccessful,” said Sindonia Nyiraw Dimo.

Wine Mario Akec said she was joining to study economics and finance, hoping to help improve the country’s economy.

“The South Sudan economy is in a crisis. People work for months without pay,” she said.

Amursu Musa Juma said he wanted to become a medical doctor in future.

“I want to be a doctor and a better person in future,” said Juma.