Schoolgirls receive cash payments in Unity State

Pupils at Bentiu Girls Primary School dispaly their receipts after being paid. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

More than 28,000 girls from both primary and secondary schools in Unity State on Monday received cash distributions as part of an annual initiative.

The distribution was conducted on Monday, with support from Windle Trust in partnership with the State Ministry of General Education and the beneficiaries included girls from Primary 7, Primary 8, and Senior 4, along with 35 boys with disabilities.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday, the Unity State Minister of General Education, Stephen Tot Jock Chieng, confirmed the initiative. He stated that 28,000 girls from schools across seven counties, along with 35 boys with disabilities, were part of the cash distribution effort. Primary 7 and Primary 8 students received SSP 9,500 SSP each, while Senior 4 students received 120,000.

Minister Tot emphasized that the cash is intended to support students’ education by enabling them to purchase uniforms and other essential school supplies.

“My advice to the students is to use this money wisely to support their education and to focus on their studies, especially as they prepare for exams,” he said.

One of the beneficiaries, Nyakueth Koang, a Primary 8 student, expressed her gratitude after receiving SSP 95,000.

“The money is a great help because many of us lack support. It will enable me to buy the things I need for school,” she said. “We are happy because the cash came at the right time, just as we are preparing for our exams next month.”

Another student, Mary Nyamal Kuol, a Senior 4 student, echoed this sentiment.

“This support will help us continue our education despite the challenges we face, especially in buying uniforms and other school necessities,” she stated. “I encourage those who left school to return and take advantage of opportunities like this.”

Both the girls and boys expressed their appreciation to the State Ministry of General Education and Windows Trust. They also urged both institutions to continue supporting students across the region, especially those with disabilities.

Meanwhile, Stephen Bijany Kuol, the State Anchor at Windle Trust Organization, confirmed the payments.

“28,000 beneficiaries started receiving cash payments yesterday (Monday) and we started from Bentiu Girls Primary School and the rest of the primary schools in Bentiu Town,” he said.

The Windle Trust Organization conducted the payment for pupils in greater Unity State which includes the two counties of Abiemnom and Parieng. Students from the other seven counties also started receiving payments from their county headquarters on Tuesday.