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PIBOR - 24 Sep 2020

Scale-up humanitarian response in Greater Pibor, MSF urges

The international medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is calling on humanitarian organizations working in the area to increase response and prevent further disaster caused by severe flooding.

In a statement to the media, MSF said they are concerned about the impact of the ongoing severe flooding in Greater Pibor, which has displaced thousands of people and worsened an already devastating humanitarian emergency. 

“This has been a hard 12 months for this community. Multiple times MSF has responded to various emergencies, and once again our latest emergency response to conflict-related displacement is transforming into a flood response. Our focus is now on malaria, measles, and flooding,” said Josh Rosenstein, MSF’s Deputy Head of Mission.

He added that most parts of Pibor town are underwater after the Pibor River burst its banks since July exposing thousands of displaced people in need of food and clean water to malaria, waterborne diseases, snakebites, and food insecurity.

Rosenstein pointed out that they can only reach communities through their mobile clinics to treat the most severe illnesses. 

“I can’t believe what my eyes have seen in Pibor – so much destruction of infrastructure and resources. There is a lack of public toilets in the town. In our clinic, we have only two toilets and no space to build more to meet a minimum requirement for hundreds of patients we treat each day. These conditions are a breeding ground for diseases,” said Simon Peter Olweny, MSF’s water and sanitation coordinator in Pibor.

In the statement, MSF says it is worried the situation is worsening and concerted efforts are needed to avert a disaster.