A man hangs out fish to dry next to a stream formed as a result of intense flooding in Maban, South Sudan. (Photo by Alex McBride/AFP)

Salted fish port launched in Mingkaman

Authorities in Awerial County of Lakes State have launched a business center for salted fish in the town of Mingkaman.

The center is aimed at preserving fish and to encourage the local traders.

The Awerial fishmongers had appealed for the creation of the center this year through Mingkaman 100 FM.

Previously, the fishmongers used the Bor Port as their route to East Africa where they sold the salted fish.

Dealers from Jonglei and Lakes will stock the fish at the Mingkaman port for onward transportation to East Africa.

A Lakes State salted fish dealer Mayoor Nyiny-piu appreciated the government for the initiative. He said the location was most appropriate and the State Government was working well.

“I encourage my fellow business people to come here because this place is the best to sell the salted fish,” Nyiny-piu said.

Awerial County Deputy Executive Director Albino Chuei Biar encouraged the fishmongers to use the center to stabilize their businesses.

“We came purposely for the fish business center launching. We witnessed it and it was approved by the commissioner. It is organized and there is a very good warehouse and with adequate security. I was authorized together with the town clerk to open this officially today,” he said. Salted fish is the leading export for South Sudan to East Africa, mainly Uganda and Congo. The dealers promised to train others in Awerial to preserve the fish using salt.