S Sudan: soldiers vacate four E Equatoria schools

Armed groups have vacated four schools in Eastern Equatoria, leaving at least 38 schools still under occupation by soldiers.

Armed groups have vacated four schools in Eastern Equatoria, leaving at least 38 schools still under occupation by soldiers.

Troops left three primary schools in Pageri, Dejor, and Kerepi, and a nursery school in Maranata following engagement with local authorities, according to the latest situation report by the UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

OCHA said learning activities in the schools have resumed, but noted that soldiers have resettled close to Pageri Primary and continue to use the school’s water point.

In total, 95 schools remain occupied by various groups in South Sudan. Armed elements are living in 36 schools, while 54 schools are occupied by displaced people. Two schools are occupied by both soldiers and displaced people, while three schools are occupied by unknown persons.

“The continued occupation of schools hinders access to education and risks that structures could be permanently destroyed,” OCHA warned. “The poor disposal of shells in the affected schools exposes children to [unexploded ordnance] when the schools reopen.”

The full OCHA situation report is available for download below.