Rumbek authorities seize traders’ properties after price-fixing order

Traders in South Sudan’s Lakes state have complained of losses in their businesses following the decision of authorities in Rumbek to set fixed prices for goods in the market.

Traders in South Sudan’s Lakes state have complained of losses in their businesses following the decision of authorities in Rumbek to set fixed prices for goods in the market.

A number of traders who spoke to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday reported that authorities seized goods from traders’ trucks and sold them in the market at cheap prices without giving consideration of costs of purchase and transport, leading to huge losses for the traders.

They added that traders have been forced to sell their goods according to the fixed price set by the state government.

This complains comes three days after the local authorities in Rumbek announced fixed-price of goods in the market which was rejected by many traders.


Price-fixing announced in Rumbek (5 Apr.)