RSF imposes water, electricity service fees in Jebel Awliya

The Jebel Awliya Locality Emergency Room on Wednesday revealed that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has imposed hefty taxes on water services in the Jebel Awliya area of Khartoum.

Abdelkader Abdelrahim, the spokesperson for the Jabal Awliya Locality Emergency Room, told Radio Tamazuj that the RSF has imposed a monthly fee of 150,000 Sudanese pounds on each neighborhood and village in the Jabal Awliya area for water and electricity services.

“These exorbitant fees are beyond the capacity of the residents to pay every month due to the deteriorating economic conditions in the area and the lack of sources of income,” he stated. “The residents of Jabal Awliya have turned to fishing and rely on fish as their primary food source after markets dried up of goods and job opportunities ceased for the citizens.”

According to Abdelrahim, residents are compelled to pay the fees because they have no other option. He highlighted that most young people in the area are unemployed.

Attempts by Radio Tamazuj to contact several RSF leaders to clarify on the situation were futile.