Road repairs commence in Pochalla

The rehabilitation and repair works of the road that links the Pochalla area in the Greater Pibor Administration Area (GPAA) to the neighboring Ethiopia is underway.

Pochalla North and South often run out of necessities due to a poor road network.

Othow Okoti, the Pochalla South County commissioner, told Radio Tamazuj at the weekend that they working on the road to facilitate service delivery.

“Roads on the Ethiopian side of the border are good but on our side vehicles coming from Ethiopia can not make their way to Pochalla because the road is not good. So, we started constructing a 15-kilometer road through Awetabala Payam up until the Boi area,” he said. “When completed, vehicles will now make their way to Pochalla, improving service delivery.”

The county commissioner said locals and the military are jointly involved in the construction work, a move he described as a good peace gesture.

“There are about 100 individuals; 50 youth from our two counties, 25 soldiers, and 25 more from other organized forces. As you can see, the army and locals are jointly working together,” he stated. “This is a sign of peace and this is what we resolved during last week’s civil-military dialogue held in Pochalla. This is voluntary work and I only donated SSP 4,000 000 to cater for their feeding.”

On his part, Brigadier Arobo Ojulu Deeng, the SSPDF commander in Pochalla, said theY are committed to fostering peace in the border area and that he assigned some of his soldiers to take part in the construction work as a gesture of peace. He emphasized the importance of roads in improving service delivery for both the army and locals.