Interim RJMEC Chairperson Amb. Charles Tai Gituai. (File photo)

RJMEC:  Many Roadmap milestones are yet to be attained

The interim chairperson the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) has said that many of the milestones in the peace agreement are yet to be achieved with barely 16 months to the elections.

The interim chairperson the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) has said that many of the milestones in the peace agreement are yet to be achieved with barely 16 months to the elections.

Speaking during the opening of RJMEC’s thirty-first monthly meeting on Thursday in Juba, Ambassador Major General Charles Tai Gituai, said that the meeting marks the first anniversary of the endorsement of the Roadmap by the Parties.

“Therefore, we should take stock on what has been achieved, what is pending, and what needs to be done in the remaining time of the extended Transitional Period,” he said. “It is evident that many milestones are still to be achieved, and yet it is barely 16 months away from elections.”

Amb. Gituai informed the meeting that regarding preparations for elections, in addition to the amendment of the national election law and reconstitution of the National Elections Commission, all the other tasks, including the reconstitution of the Political Parties Council, and establishment of election management structures at the sub-national levels, are still pending.

Furthermore, regarding the unification of forces, the RJMEC Chair added, phase one of the Necessary Unified Forces has graduated but not yet been redeployed, and phase 2 is yet to commence.

“Will the pre-requisites for free and fair elections be implemented within timelines? And how?” Amb. Gituai rhetorically queried.

In closing, he gave recommendations regarding key elections-related tasks, given the time remaining.

“Expedite the reconstitution of the Political Parties Council and the National Constitutional Review Commission and expedite the enactment by the Transitional National Legislature of the National Elections Act, paving the way for the reconstitution of a credible and impartial National Elections Commission,” he advised. “Expedite the completion of the unification of forces, provide adequate resources to the Security Mechanisms and provide timely and sufficient resources for the implementation of all the critical pending tasks of the Revitalized Agreement.”

Amb. Gituai also advised the government to encourage the expansion of political and civic space for all South Sudanese to take part in the conversations surrounding their participation in the political process.

“Ensure that women’s representation in the political process attains a minimum of 35 percent, including in the constitution-making bodies,” he concluded.