Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit stand on their vehicle during a military-backed rally, in Mayo district, south of Khartoum, Sudan, Saturday, June 29, 2019. (AP photo)

Rizeigat leaders avert armed confrontation in El Daein

Local leaders in Sudan’s East Darfur State, represented by the Rizeigat tribe’s native administration, have successfully contained a potential crisis between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Al-Daein sector.

Local leaders in Sudan’s East Darfur State, represented by the Rizeigat tribe’s native administration, have successfully contained a potential crisis between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Al-Daein sector.

Tensions escalated as the SAF moved a significant number of military vehicles from its command center to the city of Al-Daein, where the RSF had stationed themselves after intercepting an army vehicle from the Adila garrison.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, El Daein resident Hasaballah Al-Dakum accused army intelligence of working to destabilize the city’s security by creating conflicts.

Furthermore, he explained, “On Wednesday, a unit of the Rapid Support Forces intercepted a vehicle carrying a limited quantity of ammunition en route to the army command. This incident serves as evidence of their intent to sow discord between the two forces.”

Mustafa Al-Mahi, Omdah of the Rizeigat tribe in El Daein, described the incident as a minor matter between the army and the RSF. He praised both forces for their responsiveness to the civil administration and highlighted previous disagreements that had been resolved to maintain peace and stability in the state.

Mustafa reassured the citizens that El-Daein would remain safe and stable, and they were prepared to address any crisis that could threaten security.

Mohammed Benani, head of the state’s negative phenomena committee, credited the stability of security in the region to the efforts of civil administration, the Chamber of Commerce, and youth groups collaborating to combat issues like civilians carrying weapons in public places, drug promotion, and public weapons sales.

He also mentioned, “Additionally, there are other factions involved in abducting wealthy individuals with the purpose of demanding ransom payments in exchange for their release.”

El Daein has remained a rare city in the Darfur region without armed clashes between the SAF and RSF, thanks to an informal agreement facilitated by the Rizeigat chief and tribal leaders.

Nazir Mahmoud Musa Madibo emphasized the importance of avoiding conflict in El Daein, as it wouldn’t resolve issues in Khartoum but would contribute to the city’s destruction by armed groups exploiting the situation to plunder citizens’ property.