Riek Machar’s rebels deny attack on Rumbek North County

The SPLA-In Opposition has dismissed claims by the Juba government that the rebels carried out an attack on Rumbek North in Lakes State recently in which dozens of people were killed and heads of cattle were taken.

The SPLA-In Opposition has dismissed claims by the Juba government that the rebels carried out an attack on Rumbek North in Lakes State recently in which dozens of people were killed and heads of cattle were taken.

Brig. Gen. Ruai Kuol, SPLA-IO military governor in Unity State, told Radio Tamazuj that the accusations were baseless. He said they are fighting for the sake of the people of South Sudan, not to kill them.

“I can assure you that it is not us, the government shouldn’t tarnish our reputation. We cannot loot citizen’s properties because we are fighting for their cause,” he said.

The rebel official further said cattle raiding in Warrap and Lakes States is not new.

For his part, Lakes State Information Minister Dhieu Wol insisted rebels were involved in the incident. He said they captured heavy weapons from the attackers which show the involvement of the SPLA-IO rebels.

He stressed that the denial by the rebels is untrue.

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