Riek Machar in Khartoum for medical treatment

South Sudan’s former vice president and prominent opposition leader Riek Machar is currently in Khartoum for medical treatment, a spokesman for the Sudanese government announced on Tuesday.

South Sudan’s former vice president and prominent opposition leader Riek Machar is currently in Khartoum for medical treatment, a spokesman for the Sudanese government announced on Tuesday.

 “Sudan has recently received Machar for humanitarian reasons, because he needs treatment and medical care urgently” he said.

Speaking to Ashrooq TV, Ahmed Bilal Osman, Information Minister, confirmed that Riek Machar’s health condition is stable and that he will stay in Khartoum until he decides to leave.

The Sudanese official claimed that they informed the South Sudanese government about Machar’s relocation to Khartoum.

The United Nations said recently that it helped the deposed South Sudanese vice president Riek Machar move safely within the Democratic Republic of Congo.

File photo: Riek Machar