Returnees in Longechuk County need urgent aid

Returnees in Longechuk County, Upper Nile State, are facing severe shortages of food and shelter, highlighting a critical humanitarian situation for thousands who recently arrived from Sudan and Ethiopia to escape insecurity.

Returnees in Longechuk County, Upper Nile State, are facing severe shortages of food and shelter, highlighting a critical humanitarian situation for thousands who recently arrived from Sudan and Ethiopia to escape insecurity.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Thursday, Thuok Jok Dar, the coordinator of the county’s Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), expressed the urgent need for assistance during an interview with Radio Tamazuj on Monday. He revealed that despite the influx of returnees since June last year, many are still grappling with dire conditions.

“Due to the ongoing conflict in Sudan and challenges in Ethiopia, we have received thousands of returnees since June last year,” Dar stated. “We have registered and verified 13,978 individuals, while another 7,000 people are awaiting verification. They are dispersed in areas such as Mathiang, Malual, and Guelbuk, among others.”

He added, “Since their arrival, they have not received any assistance. Despite conducting assessments with our partners, no aid has reached them. These returnees have integrated into the community, and they urgently require support in terms of food and shelter.”

Dak Tut Dey, the Commissioner of Longechuk County, expressed concern about the critical situation in the county and issued an appeal for aid. “We have thousands of returnees whose conditions are distressing. As a county, we lack the resources to address this issue. Therefore, we are urging our partners in the state and in Juba to step in and provide assistance,” Dak stated.