Relatives demand justice for murdered elder in Ezo County

The kin of a 75-year-old man who was shot and killed by unknown people in Ezo County, Western Equatoria State, are demanding justice.

The kin of a 75-year-old man who was shot and killed by unknown people in Ezo County, Western Equatoria State, are demanding justice.

Mario Udo Kusal was shot three times at his home in the afternoon last Wednesday and died on the spot. Nobody has been arrested for the murder.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj over the weekend, Bales Oliver, a brother of the deceased, said they are concerned that local authorities are quiet about the incident.

He said that as relatives, they will not carry out a revenge attack but demand that the late Udo’s close neighbors provide information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of the killer.

“Since this incident happened in Ezo and there is government on the ground, as relatives, we will wait to see the strategy or steps taken by the government,” Oliver said. “For us as relatives, the government is there and they should take a step to find the person who killed our loved one because he had neighbors in the residential area where he lived and they should be investigated and questioned.”

“Maybe they (neighbors) will tell who killed the person,” he added.

For his part, Lt. Col. Charles Kalisto, the police’s chief inspector in Ezo County, confirmed the incident and said the security forces in the area are looking for the perpetrator to arrest and arraign in court.

He said the body of the deceased was taken to Tambura and that the security situation in the area was calm.

Lt. Col. Kalisto appealed to the residents to remain calm while the police searched for the killer.