Refugees in Yida complain of food shortages

A number of refugees from South Kordofan in Yida Camp have complained of food shortages, telling Radio Tamazuj that the food provided by international organisations is not enough to meet the demands of their families.

A number of refugees from South Kordofan in Yida Camp have complained of food shortages, telling Radio Tamazuj that the food provided by international organisations is not enough to meet the demands of their families.

They added that unpleasant odors in the oil that is distributed has forced families to buy oil from the market, along with other requirements.

As a result, refugees told Radio Tamazuj that women and children have been working as casual labourers for the UN in exchange for a small wage, which they use in the market. This has caused anger towards the UN among the population of the camp.

Photo: Women carrying rocks for UNHCR by its gate