Hundreds of civilians have continued to flee into Uganda amid insecurity and shortages of food in South Sudan’s Equatoria region.
Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, several refugees in Badabi, Rhino and Osia refugee camps in Uganda said hundreds are arriving daily from different parts of Equatoria region due to insecurity and shortages of food.
Benson Kenyi, a civilian living in the camp, said the food portion they get from the humanitarian organizations is not enough, complaining of lack of basic services.
“The situation of the refugees in the camp is very difficult. The life is really not good. People are coming to the camp everyday” said Kenyi.
One volunteer in the refugee camp told Radio Tamazuj, the camp registered nearly 130,000 refugees and the number is rising.
Meanwhile, refugees in Rhino camp complained of shortages of food and lack of basic services amid the influx of the refugees.