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KHARTOUM - 2 Oct 2015

Rebel commander criticizes move to sanction Gen. Johnson Olony

A commander in the Aguelek forces of rebel General Johnson Olony has criticized a push by some in the international community to impose sanctions on his leader.

The United States last month proposed imposing an international travel ban on Johnson Olony for allegedly fueling the conflict in South Sudan.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, Hassan Otor said Gen. Olony does not target civilians with aircrafts and lethal weapons like the Juba government, claiming his boss has been defending the civilians from airstrikes and abuses perpetrated by the government in Juba.

“They were bombing us with airplanes and chemicals,” he said. “Why does the international community wants to impose sanctions on Johnson Olony – is this international justice?”

The rebel commander described the proposal to sanction Olony as “illogical”.

The forces known as Aguelek mainly recruited from the Shilluk tribe under General Johnson were initially allied with the government but defected in mid-2015. Prior to their defection they were accused by the UN Children's Agency of recruiting hundreds of child soldiers.

Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is serving as a United Nations envoy for education, has called Johnson Olony a "terrorist" and "warlord" for forcibly recruiting schoolboys in western Upper Nile State. 

File photo: General Johnson Olony