Raja County residents decry fuel shortages

Traders and residents in Raja County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State have decried fuel shortages saying it has brought the county to a brink.

Traders and residents in Raja County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State have decried fuel shortages saying it has brought the county to a brink. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday afternoon, Bari Deketi who sells fuel in Raja town said the county ran out of fuel a week ago due to a lack of supplies.  

“I am a trader who sells fuel and petrol but nowadays we have many challenges in accessing the fuel because there is no more. We have tried to sell 30 liters with 15,000 SSP, but now there is no fuel at all in Raja,” says Deketi. 

He adds, “A drum of fuel was purchased at 100,000 SSP from Wau, but now the price has increased to 180,000 SSP and caused Raja town to run out the fuels.”

Kosho Dagijii Domoi, the Raja County Chamber of Commerce Chairperson, said the scarcity has brought the transportation business to a standstill.

“The current issue facing us in Raja is about the fuel scarcity and this aspect started in the past seven days. This problem is said it started in Juba because people said the road between Juba and Uganda is closed,” said Dagijii. “Yes, it is affecting a lot because we have mills that grind flour four our common citizens and the mills need the fuels to work. Cars and motorbikes are also functioning when there is fuel.”

Raja County Commissioner, Selah Mumiki, said the payams and bomas have also been affected and appealed to both the national and state governments to look into the matter by allocating some fuel trucks for the county.