Raja County: Residents appeal for services delivery from state government

The residents of Raja County in Western Bahr el Ghazal State have appealed to the state governor, Sarah Cleto Rial, to deliver basic services to their area.

The residents of Raja County in Western Bahr el Ghazal State have appealed to the state governor, Sarah Cleto Rial, to deliver basic services to their area.

The calls, made over the weekend in Raja town, came during an official visit by Governor Sara Cleto to Raja town which is 210 miles west of the state capital Wau.

The representatives of youth, women, and the paramount chief in the area called for the need to empower the youth, build their capacity, provide them employment and support to the agriculture sector in the area.

Speaking during the governor’s rally at Raja’s main stadium, the county’s women representative, Nura Hussien, said women in Raja are facing difficulties including a high rate of girls dropping out of school.

“There is no support from government or organization supporting education,” Hussein said. “There is peace now but there are many people in the forest, they do not see the peace unless roads are maintained”

The youth representative, Ahmed Yisa, said the youth require capacity building.

“We youth should be put in consideration, including capacity building that will empower us,” Yisa said.

Responding to the citizen’s demands, Governor Cleto said Ayat RKoad Construction Company in collaboration with the national government has started rehabilitating the road from Wau to Raja.

“Ayat Company with the national ministry of roads have signed the contract and are working from Wau to Raja up to Kafia Kinji and it will take time and we hope that there should be another work from here and at the same time, there will be another work to start from Darfur,” the governor said.

She reassured the citizens on the implementation of the peace agreement adding that the graduation of the unified forces will take place soon.

“Let me tell you that the peace has come and that the forces under the training at the training sites will be graduated.” Governor Cleto reassured.

Sam Muhumure, the head of UNMISS’ field office in Wau reiterated the need for collective efforts for service delivery and the need to work on the roads to allow access for the people of Raja County.

“We have all seen how difficult this road is that should rain come and this road still in this condition, Raja County will be cut off from the rest of Western Bahr el Ghazal,” Muhumure warned. “It is a lot of work that is required but I am very confident that if we all put our hands together, we can do something about it.