Health workers attending GBV training in Raja County on 5 July 2022. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

Raja County health workers undergo GBV training

About 15 health workers in Raja County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State are undergoing training to manage Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases.

About 15 health workers in Raja County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State are undergoing training to manage Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Wendi Mary Bullen, the focal person for Gender Equality and Social inclusion for Health Net in Raja County stressed that the training is important for health workers as GBV cases are on the rise in the county.

“This training is about GBV-Gender-based violence – clinical management of rape, so we have around 15 participants gathered from different health facilities,” said Mary.

“We have many cases of gender-based violence, especially domestic violence and then rape cases among mostly children happens a lot and they are being brought to the hospital, to the PHCC,” Mary explained. “So that is why we need to do the training of how to manage rape cases, we make sure that our health workers have knowledge and skills on how to do that.”

According to Mary, some experienced health workers in Raja County resigned and new ones were recruited prompting the need for training. 

The trainees are from different health facilities of Abulu, Magaya, Kuru, Sobo, Raja Hospital, Boromadina, Timsha, Kata, and Menama.