Prominent chief critically injured in Duk attack

A prominent chief was attacked and critically injured during an attack by armed assailants in Gadiang town of Jonglei State’s Duk County on Friday morning.

A prominent chief was attacked and critically injured during an attack by armed assailants in Gadiang town of Jonglei State’s Duk County on Friday morning, a local official said. 

Duk County Commissioner Peter Latjor Chuol told Radio Tamazuj that the Gadiang traditional leader, Machur Lul, was attacked while in the company of youth who were collecting thatch grass in the bush. 

“Chief Machur Lul was with some youth when he was attacked and critically injured at around 11am. No one else was injured because the youth fought off the attackers,” Latjor said. “The chief is now in critical condition in Gadiang without even basic medical care because there is no health facility there. We appeal to aid agencies to evacuate him to Bor or Juba for treatment.” 

The county commissioner condemned the attack and accused armed youth suspected to have come from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) of involvement in the attack. 

For his part, Abraham Kelang, the GPAA information minister, said he had no information about the attack allegedly involving Pibor youth.

Communities in Jonglei State and GPAA have for years been wrangling, leading to killings, cattle raiding, and child abduction. Recently, GPAA authorities said they stopped armed Murle youth who had mobilized to attack some areas in Jonglei State.

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