Prisoners are facing disease and starvation at military detention sites in Juba, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because of security reasons.
One source indicated that this month alone four prisoners died in one detention site in Giyada military base due to disease and starvation and poor living conditions among the detentions.
Another source reported that eight prisoners also died in another secret facility along Yei road in Gorom area.
The same sources said prisoners are kept in hot containers with no proper feeding or water. Prisoners sweat most of the time due to lack of air and as a result they dehydrate and die from any disease.
The source disclosed that some prisoners are suffering from an unidentified infection which affects their sexual organs.
The sources described the situation as dire and inhumane, citing the fact that many prisoners have stayed for a long period in detention without being sent to court of law.
File photo: SPLA troops in Juba (RT)
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