Prison service in Nasser searches for 40 escaped inmates

The prison service in Nasser in Upper Nile State is searching for more than 40 prisoners who ran away when fighting broke out in the town last month.

The prison service in Nasser in Upper Nile State is searching for more than 40 prisoners who ran away when fighting broke out in the town last month.

Nasser is currently under opposition control and many armed men from the area mobilized against the SPLA and marched toward government-held areas such as Malakal. 

In the town jail only two prisoners remained since fighting began on 22 December between armed youths and forces loyal to the now ousted county commissioner.

Colonel Simon Lual Tut said the prison service will make sure it returns all inmates back to the prison. He urged the public to be patient as they continue their search.

“Just report to us if you have seen any prisoner. We will arrest him as you brought him last time. Do not have any things to discuss with him, because we did not release them,” he said.

But he added that it is very hard to find the prisoners as fighting is still going on in the country.

Reporting by Sobat FM 

File photo: Prisoners in South Sudan’s Unity State