Traders in Sudan’s Blue Nile state said prices of consumer goods are rising at Damazin market.
Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Wednesday, traders said prices of essential commodities have dramatically increased forcing small-scale traders to quit.
A sack of onions rose in price from 250 SDG to 850 SDG and a malwa of lentils increased to 80 SDG, while a jerrycan of cooking oil costs 650 SDG. A sack of sorghum increased from 2010 SDG to 600 SDG, whereas a cistern of cooking gas rose from 38 SDG to 50 SDG.
Several traders also complained about restrictions imposed on them by local authorities including distribution of flour to bakeries.
Ja’afar Akoto, a trader at Damazin market, said local authorities have controlled the distribution of flour in the town. He said each bakery receives only five sacks of flour per week which causing prices to rise to 1 SDG for three loaves.