Presidential guard involved in latest South Sudan offensive

Forces of President Salva Kiir’s own personal bodyguard participated in last week’s attack on Wadakona, the first major offensive operation in South Sudan since the end of peace talks early this month, according to a government source.

Forces of President Salva Kiir’s own personal bodyguard participated in last week’s attack on Wadakona, the first major offensive operation in South Sudan since the end of peace talks early this month, according to a government source.

Manyo Commissioner Rajab Deng Ajak, the official appointed to head civil administration in the newly captured area, told Radio Tamazuj today that Kiir’s presidential guard – known also as the Tiger Division – took part in the “liberation” of Manyo County.

“In Wadakona there are forces of the 1st Division, the ‘Cobra’, and Buffalo and Tiger and Aguelek – those are the forces that attacked Wadakona,” he said.

Rajab was responding to claims printed in Sudan Tribune and some pro-rebel media that UPDF forces participated in recent operations in the area. “There are no Ugandan forces here,” he insisted. “Those are national forces, forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).”

Although Tiger Division is identified as an SPLA Division, the force is actually under the direct command of President Kiir, not the SPLA general headquarters.

According to Rajab, the county is now “very secure” in spite of reports of rebel counterattacks yesterday. He acknowledged that fighting took place yesterday from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. between Kuek and Musabbal.

File photo: Gen. Salva Kiir wearing the uniform and insignia of his ‘Tiger Division’.

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