Population Estimation Survey to conclude July 2

The South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics says the ongoing Population Estimation Survey is expected to conclude on July 2, 2021.

The South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics says the ongoing Population Estimation Survey is expected to conclude on July 2, 2021.

The government and partners launched the survey in early April to generate data for the upcoming population census and elections. However, the exercise began in late May and has been running for about a month. 

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj, the manager for the Population Estimation Survey Julius Sebit said they had collected data in most of the country except for areas that started late due to logistical challenges.

He said data collection for the Greater Equatoria and Greater Bar el Ghazal regions was completed. 

“The areas which started late due to logistical challenges are still ongoing with data collection in Greater Upper Nile, but will soon finish. We have; Nyirol, Pibor, Old Fangak in Jonglei State, and Nasir, Longichok, Ulang in Upper Nile State, then only Panyijar in Unity State. These are the areas which started late. But Greater Equatoria and Greater Bar-el-Ghazel are already done with data collection,” he assured.

The population survey institution says the data will be analyzed to produce population estimates across the country. 

The Population Estimation Survey (PES) is a hybrid census that will count people in households in selected areas of the country. The information obtained from the sample sites will be used to model data for the areas not reached by the survey until an estimation is generated for the whole country.